Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Angalia "MATUSI" ya Kanye West, Choo katika Nyumba Mpya Chagharimu Bilioni 1.2 za Ki Tanzania.

Haya sasa, Mambo yamebainika kuhusu shooping ya kuikarabati nyumba ambayo Kim na Kanye West Wameinunua. Katika jumba hilo la kifahari ambayo ndani yake kuna Fenicha za thamani ya hali juu mno, Miongoni ya fenicha hzo ni Choo chenye thamani ya Shilingi za Kitanzania Bilioni 1 na Milioni 200.

Sasa vuta picha ndugu yangu Mtanzania, kama choo tu Bilioni hizo jumba lenyewe litakuwaje? Bila kusahau Master Bedroom inagharimu Tsh Bilioni 1 na Milioni 650 za Ki Tanzania.

Kitchen bling: The couple are also said to be blinging out their kitchen with a Swarovski-encrusted fridge freezer and almost $1 million worth of Electrolux appliances
 Swarovski-encrusted fridge freezer, Ambalo lipo jikoni, pia jikoni pana gharimu zaid ya Bilion 1.6 za Tanzania

Beds fit for a king: Kanye has also reportedly splurged on six special-edition beds from the company which supplies London¿s Savoy Hotel, the total coming to $1 million
Chumba cha hadhi ya Kifalme, zaidi ya Bilioni 1.7 za Kitanzania zimedondoka humo

New home: The exterior of Kim and Kanye's new Bel Air home before renovations
Taswira ya Mbele, kabla ya Marekebisho

Before: A living room featured in the couple's new home which will no doubt be totally transformed
Taswira ya Ndani, kabla ya Marekebisho

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